We help children at risk

Children At Risk Foundation (CARF) is a foundation dedicated to helping children at risk in the slum areas of São Paulo, Brazil.

These children grow up surrounded by poverty, crime, drug abuse, and violence. Together with our Brazilian partner organization, Rede Cultural Beija-Flor (known as "Kolibri" in Norwegian), we provide children in these slum communities around our activity centers with safety, care, and opportunities for a better future. 

Our work stands out through our holistic approach to addressing the children’s needs. Through arts and cultural activities, we build the children's self-esteem, resilience, and confidence. This strong foundation enables them to pursue further education and vocational training at our centers. We also work with their families, often unemployed mothers, to create lasting changes that lift entire families out of poverty.

Every child deserves a safe childhood, a meaningful upbringing, and a bright future.

By investing in the children, we are investing in a brighter future for all of us. 

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